When Bringing an Animal to Us...

Contact us!

Please contact us, prior to bringing in an animal, to set up an appointment. The shelter is regularly at capacity, so please contact us to check if it's possible for us to receive the animal, and also so we can prepare for their arrival.

Fill out our form

This can be done during your visit to the shelter. There is also a $50 fee which will help cover the medical expenses of the animal that we will be responsible for. If it is not possible to pay our fee we ask if a donation can be made in the form of supplies to the shelter; such as food, blankets, cleaning supplies etc.

After the Animal is Given to Us

Once the animal is in our possession we are unable to give updates on the animal's status. As much as we would like to, we would never get any work done! We understand that people are very curious and would love to be informed but it is just not possible.

Brown Tabby Cat standing and looking up

Are you bringing in a Stray, or Surrendering?

  • Bringing in a Stray

    When dealing with a stray animal there are several questions you must ask:

    1) Does it have any identification?

    2) Is it injured?

    If an animal appears injured it is best to bring it to us immediately. Once the animal is surrendered to us we will provide medical care based on the assessment made in partnership with The Baccalieu Trail Animal Hospital.

    3) Can this animal be handled?

    In the case of a feline, if they are feral or semi-feral, it is best that you contact Molly's Dream or Feral Felines. Our organization is not equipped to provide the best care for animals that are not ready to be handled.

  • Surrendering an Animal

    There are many reasons as to why someone may surrender their animal to us, here are some things to consider.

    1) We are professional.

    We will never pass judgement on any person(s) who is has surrendered an animal into our care. We operate only in the best interest of the animal. You can expect only support and kindness from our staff and volunteers.

    2) Upon surrendering an animal, it is completely confidential.

    This rule is strongly upheld by all staff and volunteers. The identity of any person(s) surrendering an animal remains completely anonymous. We can work to ensure that when the animal is dropped off at our building that there are no other appointments booked for the same time; please just let us know and we will arrange this.